Pros and Cons of Building an E-commerce Store With OpenCart

We are now at the thick of the digital age. This is a time where most of our transactions can now be carried out online. So, of course, it makes sense that almost every entrepreneur is clamoring to build their brand online – including you.

In your quest to digitalize your business, you might have come across various e-commerce solutions that promise to equip you with the tools to oversee your online operations. At the forefront of it, all may be OpenCart.

We understand that you probably want to get to know this online selling platform better before investing in it. This is why, in this article, we have outlined the pros and cons of the OpenCart e-commerce platform.

Pros of OpenCart: 

  • It has an intuitive environment.

One of the best things about OpenCart is its friendly user-interface. It puts a premium feel on simplicity. With a clean and simple environment, the learning curve in navigating the dashboard is virtually nonexistent, because you can access all the information you need in a glance. With OpenCart, every command is just within arms reach, making it an excellent fit for both novice and expert entrepreneurs.

  • It helps you expand your efforts internationally.

Who doesn’t want worldwide recognition for their online business, right? With OpenCart, you can easily set up your store in multiple languages and varying levels of customization. Without a doubt, the language personalization feature itself can make you an easy favorite among your clients across the globe.

  • It has a thorough reporting system. 

Reporting and analytics are two essential aspects of every online business. With those, you can gauge whether your campaigns are working well or not, or if your goods and services are getting their ROI, etc.

With OpenCart, you will be given important business insights so you can make well-informed decisions regarding your e-commerce business. You can even customize the formats of your report in a way that makes sense and more straightforward to you and your business partners/stockholders (if you have any).

Cons of OpenCart:  

  • The customer support isn’t as extensive.

The downside to OpenCart is its limited customer support. If you want to enjoy the full extent of their support team, you’d have to pay a one-time fee. This guarantees a response to all of your queries. Understandably, this is an added expense that needs to be considered. This, of course, begs the question as to why business owners should pay extra for customer service and support when other solutions freely offer this important aspect.

  • The checkout process can be buggy.

Unlike on other open-source e-commerce platforms, the checkout process can be a bit slow with OpenCart. There are various workarounds to this, of course. First, you can use this for small inventories only. Possibly, you can consider this as an extension to your other e-commerce platforms. Alternatively, you can also install a plugin that would speed up the checkout process a bit.

  • You need to install various add-ons and plugins.

At its core, OpenCart is a pretty lightweight solution. However, if you want to maximize its potential, you would need to enhance it with various plugins and add-ons. Not only is the whole set-up lengthy, but it’s also subject to trial and error. After all, you need to find a series of extensions that can work together to give you and your customers the best possible experience.

Final Words…

As an e-commerce business owner, you might find it challenging to provide the best customer support and avoid unnecessary disputes. Now there’s a new way to handle it better. Want to know how? Read the following review about the Purchase Guard platform to understand how it can help you.

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