Artificial Intelligence and its’ Impact on Technology

We have all heard the phrase artificial intelligence. It is an autonomous, self-learning technology that improves the more that it is used. It does not need any human input; it will learn on its own. This can be a frightening concept, and it also leads us to think of where it will take society. Of course, it will have drastic impacts on our lives, but this does not mean that we should fear it. In order to integrate AI into our society we must first learn to work with the technology. This might be easier said than done. There has been many upheavals in several industries as a result of AI. These upheavals have led to jobs being lost and many people being upset with the new system. Nevertheless, many advantages have also been associated with AI. Here are some of these advantages and disadvantages so that hopefully you can make your own mind up.

Upheaval in Industry

As AI grows and learns, it is inevitable that it will reach a point where it can do a job better than a human can. Unfortunately for us, we can only learn to a certain level, at a certain rate. This holds us back, there is no denying this, but it is what it is. AI systems have already started to replace humans as they become better at the jobs in question. This has been seen on production and manufacturing lines around the world, in data logging and in any job that involves the input of data. However, there are many more industries that will be affected by this in years to come. Think about the transport industry; one day, the autonomous car will finally be ready for release, a car that can drive us from a to b without the need for a human to do anything other than say ‘go’. What impact will this have on taxi drivers, truck drivers or bus drivers? The sad thing is that this change is somewhat inevitable. It will happen and when it does, the AI cars will more than likely make for safer roads.

Monitoring Systems

AI systems have been developed that can monitor data around the clock. In the past, a human would need to be paid to do this, and they would also be susceptible to making errors. This is no longer the case. If you are interested in such systems, follow this link:

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