Engaging with Team-Members – Good Management Skills
Employee engagement is vitally important to the wellbeing of your staff members. It can boost their morale, make the whole company a vibrant and pleasant place to work, boosts creativity and productivity, as well as ensuring there is a thread of understanding throughout the whole company regarding long-term goals and desires.
Good management skills play a central role to employee engagement, with supervisors promoting everything from a trusting, private and safe space for employees to air grievances and discuss any problems they may be having, to acting as the conduit for the flow of information that trickles down from senior management throughout the company, in an effective way that boost productivity and makes targets more likely to be reached.
There are a few different ways that good management can positively impact on your staff, take these into consideration when hiring, or promoting from within to make up your management team.
Emotional Positivity – Emotion is everything in our world, and no more so than in the workplace where it can be the driving force behind everything positive that occurs. A good manager will have a massive positive impact on staff members and in return it delivers feelings of empowerment, enthusiasm for the role, confidence and value for staff members. If you reverse that, a poor manager can make staff members feel undervalued, uncomfortable in their day-to-day roles and just plain irritate them! An engaged and happy staff member is likely to have positive feelings about the company as a whole and the progress that they, and everyone else, are making in terms of long-term aims and goals. Disengagement is one of the worst things that can happen to demoralise an workforce, leading to staff members just going through the motions and not delivering their best work as a result. It can also lead to more sick days and those leaving the company to pursue other career options where they can feel more valued in their role.
Practical Improvements – Good managers will be proactive with their staff members and not just assume everything is running smoothly because it’s a quiet place to work. It can be an easy thing for supervisors to get too busy to engage with their staff, but that is their downfall in the end. Full engagement on a regular basis, honest, open and kind communication between managers and employees is a great way to foster an environment where everyone is working for the best interests of the collective. New staff members require a little more care, and should be trained and offered guidance on a more regular basis than those who have been working at the company for a while, but that shouldn’t mean that they are forgotten in the process. Good managers know how to balance the entire team, make every voice heard and offer advice that is sound for all parties.
Lastly, good managers lead by example, showing new and old staff members alike what it means to put in a hard shift. A well-rounded leader promotes hard work, dedication and a willingness to learn new skills; all things that will inspire employees to do the same.
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